The Graduate Programme in International Economics at the University of Rome Tor Vergata offers both a Master and a PhD degree in International Economics.
Master in International Economics
The Master in International Economics is a one-year programme designed for students who pursue analytical graduate training for careers in business national and international banking, governments and consulting firms.
The master programme is hosted by the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Italy. The programme is entirely taught in English. The level of training provided is equivalent to the first year of the Ph. D. programme.
PhD in International Economics
The Ph.D. programme in International Economics at Tor Vergata University began in 2002. Successful students are expected to conduct professional careers in universities, public and private research and consulting organizations, and financial institutions.
The PhD programme requires writing a dissertation based on original research. The dissertation should lead to publications in leading academic journals. Candidates are required to attend advanced courses in International Economics, covering the most recent developments both in trade theory and policy and in international money and finance.The PhD degree in International Economics is a three-year programme providing students with training in modern macroeconomics, microeconomics, and econometrics, combined with core training in international finance and international trade.
Il Master di II livello in Economia Internazionale mira ad offrire una formazione di eccellenza nei campi dell’economia internazionale sia per quanto riguarda gli aspetti reali che finanziari.
Il Master è rivolto a laureati italiani e stranieri con una solida preparazione nelle materie economiche in possesso di laurea di durata quadriennale o laurea specialistica. Il Consiglio del Master valuta l’equipollenza dei titoli conseguiti all’estero con i titoli sopraindicati.
Costituisce requisito minimo per l’ammissione al suddetto corso anche il possesso documentato di un buon livello di conoscenza della lingua inglese.
Le lezioni saranno tenute prevalentemente in lingua inglese.
Sbocchi occupazionali
The Master of International Economics has an excellent placement record – all past students have found paid full-time positions immediately after graduating (last year’s students now work for Ernst&Young, Accenture, Unicredit, Pioneer Investment), or scholarship coverage for Ph. D. programmes.
Organized placement opportunities – at the end of the course, students will have access to internship opportunities in organizations and institutions based in Italy.
On campus presentations – Tor Vergata’s economics faculty hosts on campus presentations of many target companies and institutions (last year: Worldbank, Bain, JPMorgan etc.).
First semester – review and enhancement of key concepts in microeconomics,
- macroeconomics, statistics, and econometrics.
- Introduction to Mathematical Economics (22 hours)
- Probability (16 hours)
- Statistics (32 hours)
- Microeconomics: Consumption and Production Theory; Games and Imperfect Markets (36 hours)
- Macroeconomics: Intoduction to Dynamic Macroeconomics; Consumption, Investment and the Labour Market (36 hours)
- Econometrics: Univariate Time Series; Static Regression (36 hours)
- Applied Economics with Stata (6 hours)
- Introduction to Matlab (6 hours)
Second semester – advanced courses in international economics, covering the most recent developments in the theory and policy of trade, growth, development economics, and in international money and finance.
- Optimization and Stochastic Methods (6 hours)
- Growth and Development (8 hours)
- Development Economics (18 hours)
- Money in General Equlibrium (12 hours)
- International Trade (12 hours)
- International Finance (12 hours)
- Money and Banking (12 hours)
- Game Theory (12 hours)
- Advanced Macroeconomics (18 hours)
- Dynamic Macroeconomics (12 hours)
- Computational Economics (15 hours)
Running events – Weekly seminars where Tor Vergata’s faculty, invited international scholars, and current Ph.D. students present their latest research.
Durata Il Master ha la durata complessiva di 1 anno accademico, suddivisi in 2 semestri per ogni anno. L’attività formativa prevede n.60 CFU. Borse di studio e finanziamenti Typically there are 5 full scholarships for Ph.D. students (covering the whole three year period, 1040 EUR/month) from the University of Tor Vergata. Some of the scholarships are reserved for international applicants. Early application is advised. Additional sources of funds are from teaching and research assistantship. Financial support from the Bank of Italy, Mediocredito Centrale (MCC) and UnCredit is gratefully acknowledged.