Scuola Superiore "Sant'Anna"
Città Pisa
Durata 24 Mesi
Stage NO

Il Master in Environmental Assessment and Integrated Management in Urban Areas mira a formare le competenze per affrontare con successo le problematiche ambientali complesse legate al management delle aree urbane e le relative policy.

Il percorso formativo interdisciplinare prevede l’integrazione degli insegnamenti in discipline scientifiche , tecnologiche , economiche e sociali.
Il Master internazionale è un programma unitario ed integrato, realizzato con la collaborazione scientifica di otto università italiane e l’università di Tongji (Shanghai, Cina) ed è supportato dal Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca e Co-finanziato dalla Fondazione Lombardia per l’Ambiente.


  • University degree (the 3-years “Laurea” at least)
  • fluent English
  • pass a selection process based on Curriculum Vitae and interview.

The Master’s programme is addressed to young graduates and professionals (up to 30 years old) with a strong interest in environmental studies, aiming to acquire new scientific tools to boost their professional career at the international level.
The Master’s programme is a limited entry course. The maximum number of students admitted is 10. Other 10 Chinese students will be selected by Chinese procedures.

Sbocchi occupazionali
Il profilo professionale studiato per il rilascio del titolo è rivolto a formare esperti in programmazione ambientale, trasferimento tecnologico, policy making, valutazione e monitoraggio ambientale, in grado di operare sia nel settore privato (settore manifatturiero, industrie ingegneristiche, società di trasformazione e produzione energetica) sia nel settore pubblico (agenzia di valutazione, servizi pubblici e servizi di fornitura, Pubbliche Amministrazioni locali e nazionali).
The links with the market and institutions facilitate contacts with many prospective industry employers and guide individuals through the choice of their career path and job application process.
During the third semester of the course, each student is offered an internship period which can lead to a subsequent placement. For the internship/placement assignment, participants are facilitated by privileged channels with national and international firms, and institutions, in Italy and in other European countries.

The course will be officially presented in Shanghai in June with the sponsorship of Expo Milano 2015. The first two semesters will take place at Tongji campus and will consist mainly of classroom teaching; the third semester will be accompanied by a stage training in Italy, followed by the fourth semester, in China, dedicated to the thesis preparation and discussion.
The Master will mainly focus on: Sustainable development & environmental assessment; Climate change; Environmental economics; Solid waste & soil pollution; Energy policy and technology; City environmental governance; Land planning.
Courses’s official language will be English to encourage interaction between international students, as well as with the international teaching staff.


Durata The Master’s programme will be spread over 4 semesters beginning in September and ending in June through two academic years.

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