Il Master MMR in Management della Regione Metropolitana fornisce:
- le conoscenze necessariamente interdisciplinari per comprendere la grande varietà di dimensioni rilevanti di realtà metropolitane complesse;
- gli strumenti utili alla gestione efficiente ed efficace dei fenomeni ambientali, sociali ed economici, non solo mettendo presentando i problemi dalla prospettiva della pubblica amministrazione ma anche del settore privato che tipicamente opera in ambienti metropolitani. Il Master è svolto in collaborazione con l’Erasmus University Rotterdam, Paesi Bassi (EUR), l’Università Autonoma di Barcellona, Spagna (UAB), l’Università di Copenaghen, Danimarca (UC), l’Universita di Anversa, Belgio (UvA).
Five reasons to apply for MMR
- Because urban management is increasingly important (more information)
- Because the MMR provides access to knowledge and experience in urban management (more information)
- Because the MMR is a truly international course (more information)
- Because the MMR provides great career perspectives (more information)
- Because Venice is a great city to live and study (more information)
Who should attend the MMR?
Postgraduate 1st level Specialist Master ‘Management of the Metropolitan Region’ (MMR) is a great opportunity for recent graduates, advanced students in their final year, PhD students (from various disciplines) and professionals with a strong interest in urban management. The MMR provides access to the knowledge needed for policy makers, advisors and managers working in the field of urban development in Europe. Participants who successfully fulfil all academic requirements of the course are awarded with the title of 1st level Specialist Master in Urban Management.
Students who attend classes, complete their apprenticeship, and pass the intermediate tests and final exam will be awarded the Postgraduate 1st level Specialist Master ‘Management of the Metropolitan Region’ (MMR) The university Master in Management of Metropolitan Region confers 60 CFU/ECTS (University Credits) for a total of 1500 hours.
This degree is a joint effort of five universities and is registered by Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. Participants who have performed extremely well may be awarded the degree with honours. Candidates who just follow one ore more blocks, but don’t write a thesis, will be awarded a Certificate of Attendance to the course.
Official language course is English. For those willing to learn Italian language, or to take courses in another language, there are possibilities at Ca’ Foscari University. It is possible to combine a language course with the MMR, and you might choose to do so, for example, to improve your language skills for the country you are going to write your thesis in the second semester. Most languages spoken in the countries of our partner universities are actually taught at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
Enrolment on the Master’s Program requires one of the following pre-requisites:
- First cycle degree (pre-reform), preferably in Architecture, Economics, Management, Geography, Planning or an equivalent discipline;
- First cycle degree, preferably in Architecture, Economics, Management, Geography, Planning or an equivalent discipline;
- Equivalent foreign degree consistent with the disciplinary field, subject to approval by the Faculty Board.
A good knowledge of written and oral English (at least level B1/B2) is essential.
Academic degrees earned abroad and that are not already recognized by existing regulations must be of a comparable length, level and disciplinary field as the Italian degree required for admission to the Master’s Program. This is the principle that the Faculty Board of the Master’s Program will use to determine eligibility.
Simultaneous enrollment in the Master’s Program and other university courses of study is not allowed. If already enrolled in another university course of study and as permitted by current regulations, the interested party may elect to suspend their course of studies for the entire duration of the Master’s Program according to the procedures defined by the “first” University of enrollment.
For purposes of admission to the Master’s Program, the selection process will be based on qualifications (Academic studies, degree mark, publications, teaching experience, initiatives for the promotion of foreign languages, participation in projects aimed at the spread and teaching of foreign languages).
Should fewer applications be received than the maximum number of places that are available, the selection process will not be used. Verification of the prerequisites indicated above will be necessary in any case.
Students who are about to graduate are eligible for admission as long as their degree will be awarded by 4th March 2013. In this case, enrollment in the Master’s Program may not be completed until after the prerequisite degree has been awarded.
Sbocchi occupazionali
Il Master forma figure professionali destinate ad inserirsi a livello manageriale in strutture pubbliche e private direttamente o indirettamente coinvolte nella gestione dei sistemi metropolitani. In particolare le seguente aree/imprese risultano rilevanti:
- direzioni (generali) di comuni, province e regioni;
- direzioni di dipartimenti statali ed europei che si occupano delle città;
- direzioni di ONG o di Network con affinità con le tematiche de corso (Consiglio d’Europa, EUROCITIES, ANCI);
- imprese coinvolte nello sviluppo di aree o infrastrutture metropolitane (aeroporti, porti, grandi stazioni, aree industriali, science parks, aree residenziali, aree commerciali o campus, ad esempio);
- imprese che seguono importanti interventi di bonifica sociale o ambientale;
- imprese (pubbliche) che gestiscono rifiuti urbani e/o industriali;
- city marketeers;
- consultancy firms specializzati nell’assistenza a amministrazioni pubbliche
The MMR programme combines an intensive academic education with a pragmatic approach to metropolitan management and is composed of several courses that deal with different aspects of metropolitan management. This Specialist Master course has an overall workload of 60 CFU/ECTS and accommodates up to 30 participants each year, in a two-term course structure.
The full programme consists of the following elements:
- First semester: Courses at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (for more information click here)
- Second semester: Research and Thesis writing (for more information click here)
- Graduation ceremony: Public defense of the thesis, graduation seminar, handing out of diplomas and a social program.
The curriculum is articulated as follows:
- Introduction to the master in MMR (1CFU/ECTS – SSD: SECS-P/06)
- Principles of urban economics (3 CFU/ECTS – SSD: SECS-P/06)
- Urban dynamics (3 CFU/ECTS – SSD: SECS-P06, SECS-P02, M-GR02)
- Sustainable cities (9 CFU/ECTS – SSD: SECS-P06, SECS-P07, SECSP-08, M-GGR02, SPS07, ING-IND25, BIO07, IUS07)
- Urban transportation and infrastructures (6CFU/ECTS – SSD:)
- Creativity, culture, tourism and urban development (3 CFU/ECTS – SSD: SECS-P06, M-GGR02, SECSP08)
- City Marketing (3 CFU/ECTS – SSD: SECS-P06, SECS-P08)
- Urban Management (9 CFU/ECTS – SSD: SECS-P02, SECS-P06, SECS-P07, SECS-P08, M-GGR02)
- Research techniques and methods (2 CFU/ECTS – SSD: SECS-S01)
- Apprenticeship (11 CFU/ECTS)
- Fieldwork and Thesis (10 CFU/ECTS).
Durata 1 anno, a partire da marzo Costo € 6.000 per i candidati residenti in EU/EEA/Area Balcanica (Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Kosovo, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Montenegro, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey and the United Kingdom) e € 11.000 per i candidati residenti in altri stati. Borse di studio e finanziamenti The Master’s Program intends to provide for the assignment of a number of fellowships as coverage of enrollment fees only. The fellowships will be awarded on the basis of the admission requirements, the curriculum, and final decision of the Faculty Board.