Scuola Superiore "Sant'Anna"
Città Pisa
Durata 24 Mesi
Stage NO

Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, in collaboration with Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa, Pomaia (Pisa), is offering the first edition of a two-year International Master’s in the Preservation and Development of Wisdom Culture and the Art of Liberation (WISDOM).

With this Master, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna initiates a new line of education and research in the interdisciplinary field of Mind Science, which encompasses cognitive neuroscience, psychology, philosophy of the mind, physics, biology, and artificial intelligence. The main objective of the Master in Wisdom is to offer an additional approach to the study of the mind through addressing it from a Buddhist perspective, both in terms of content and methodology.

Applicants are required to have a sincere interest in and a strong motivation for the study of the mind from a Buddhist perspective as well as the development of wisdom and compassion. They must also demonstrate an acceptable level of spoken and written English. Applicants are not required to possess a university degree. This Master in Preservation and Development of Wisdom Culture does not qualify graduates to enter a PhD program.

In terms of content, the International Master in the Preservation and Development of Wisdom Culture examines themes related to the functioning of the human mind from an introspective point of view and thereby complements present-day research in the fields of neuroscience and psychology. In terms of methodology, the Master combines an academic and scientific approach with direct experience of the mind in meditation integrated with altruistic service to the larger community in the form of projects aimed specifically at the cultivation of inner qualities such as kindness, compassion, and wisdom.
The Master consists of 8 modules studied from January to December.
The on-campus course, which takes place at Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa, Pomaia (Pisa), is structured around traditional in-class lectures Monday to Friday, complemented by meditation sessions and project work. Students who complete the academic, meditation, and project work components of the on-campus Master and pass the related exams are granted an International Master diploma and 90 university credits.
The on-line course, which parallels the on-campus Master, is based on a virtual learning environment that is easy for students to access, and consists of lectures in video/audio format, guidelines for meditation in audio/text format, reading materials, on-line quizzes, and a forum. Students who complete the academic, meditation, and project work components of the on-line course are granted 20 university credits.
Each academic year, five complementary three-day seminars are organized and held at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna with the purpose of presenting state-of-the-art research by internationally recognized scientists, researchers, and Buddhist scholars working in the field of Mind Science. Each of these seminars is worth one credit.


Durata 2 anni, da gennaio a novembre dell'anno successivo.

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