Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Città Milano
Costo 16000 €
Durata 12 Mesi
Stage NO

Full Time MBA per manager che intendono contribuire allo sviluppo internazionale delle imprese italiane, con particolare attenzione alla crescita nei Nuovi Mercati .

I partecipanti – sia italiani sia provenienti dai Paesi a forte crescita e emergenti – fungeranno da elementi di collegamento tra Italia e i Nuovi Mercati, godendo della fiducia del management italiano. Essi infatti avranno avuto modo di formarsi in una classe fortemente internazionale (oltre 15 diverse nazionalità ogni anno, mix di professori italiani ed esteri, insegnamenti ad alto contenuto internazionale) e, nel periodo di Action Project, avranno appreso le logiche di gestione dell’impresa per cui opereranno.

L’International MBA è in inglese (per tale motivo le pagine informative correlate alla presente sono in inglese).
Sei sono i vantaggi che il programma offre ai partecipanti italiani:

  1. formazione manageriale orientata a una carriera internazionale nell’ambito di imprese italiane impegnate o determinate a fare ingresso nei Paesi BRIC e negli altri Paesi emergenti;
  2. un’esperienza internazionale a Milano: la maggior parte dei partecipanti proviene dall’estero, di norma da 15-20 Paesi diversi; numerosi docenti giungono da primarie università straniere (Germania, Gran Bretagna, Stati Uniti, India, Africa, Cina, Brasile);
  3. attività di placement personalizzata in vista di assicurare un’opportunità di inserimento presso imprese a forte orientamento internazionale;
  4. curriculum per nuovi imprenditori nei Paesi a forte crescita: accanto alla formazione manageriale volta all’inserimento in imprese esistenti, il programma offre una serie di corsi elective per quei partecipanti intenzionati a sviluppare una nuova attività imprenditoriale anche all’esterno dei confini nazionali;
  5. l’approccio win-win, che abbina la tensione al successo economico con una speciale attenzione ai temi della sostenibilità e dello sviluppo;
  6. Un ottimo rapporto qualità/prezzo. Abbiamo voluto rendere l’eccellenza accessibile a tutti.

L’International MBA “Global Business and Sustainability. Linking Fast Growing Economies and Europe” si distingue per:

  • QUALITÀ: docenti ai massimi livelli internazionali, professionisti ed esperti e un network di imprese e istituzioni per offrirti le migliori opportunità di formazione e crescita professionale;
  • NETWORK: un’opportunità unica per studiare in un contesto multiculturale e per creare una rete di contatti con market players coinvolti nei processi di internazionalizzazione del business;
  • SOSTENIBILITÀ: un management innovativo, capace di alimentare il vantaggio competitivo e di soddisfare in misura crescente le attese di natura sociale e ambientale degli stekeholder.

Sono previsti:

  • corsi di Business Chinese e Business Russian per gli studenti italiani che abbiano già un competenza in una delle due lingue;
  • corsi di italiano per gli studenti stranieri.

On the completion of your degree you will have gained:

  • Leadership skills: You will participate in a groundbreaking educational experience that will position you to become a reference point for your peers
  • An international business network: You will receive a training that enables you to recognize and cultivate valuable relationships that directly impact business development in your native country
  • Sustainability vision: You will learn how to contribute to the future with an understanding of commerce that integrates the economic, social and environmental impacts of business activities
  • Multicultural fluency: You will experience the business practices of successful European companies that will enhance your value in the job market at home and abroad
  • “Made in Italy” exposure: You will develop the competence to manage business, by learning from the Italian excellences (fashion, design, SMEs, Industrial districts).

All these goals can be achieved through:

  • Direct encounters with business players and multifold networking opportunities
  • Practical focus on bridging the gap between Europe and Fast Growing Economies
  • Emphasis on sustainable dimension of business
  • Action Project (internship or alternatives) designed to create a career path tailored for each participant.


  • A minimum 3 year University degree, preferably in business management, economics, engineering and applied sciences (other degrees will be considered in the context of the candidate’s history and work experience).
  • It is recommended that each participant has at least 3 years work experience.
  • TOEFL or IELTS certificate (Applicants who received their bachelor’s degree from an English-speaking university do not need to take these tests. Instead, they must submit a written certification that the courses were taught in English). To obtain more information about Toefl and/or Ielts visit; The MBA code for TOEFL is 7778.
  • Results of the GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) or GRE (Graduate Record Examinations).

To obtain more information about these tests, visit and or The MBA code for GRE is 4256.
In absence of these certificates, candidates will have to sit the MBA Admission test (
Recruitment is conducted by ALTIS-Università Cattolica in collaboration with the University partners and companies involved in the program
The MBA Global Business and Sustainability is particularly targeted to post graduate students (minimum three-year university), with at least three years of qualified work experience.
It is conceived both

  • for international students, willing to have an excellent academic and “hands on” experience of the Italian and European business
  • for Italian post graduates, who want to invest in their talents and become top level managers in a domestic entrepreneurial context that is more and more looking at new and emerging markets as a natural target for their business.

Sbocchi occupazionali
The new protagonists of the world economy seek a growing presence in established markets. Italian and European business faces an ever mounting competitive challenge from BRICS countries and emerging economies. The direct encounter that occurs in the person of the student with these two realities enhances the possibility of a collaboration that can positively affect both the economic progress of new markets and the competitive stance of European business.
The MBA prepares participants to become:

  • Managers in an Italian or European company that has established or intends to establish a presence abroad
  • Managers in a company of the participant’s country that is involved in an internationalization process
  • Entrepreneurs who want to develop a new business with an international scope.

Access to markets and market players, access to sources of development capital, contact with businesses directly interested in the participant’s native country, intercultural trust and understanding are all within reach of the student enrolled in the MBA Global Business and Sustainability.

Action Project
The MBA program includes a three-month Action Project.
The ALTIS network of companies, financial institutions, industry clusters and Chambers of Commerce allows for the structuring of an Action Project customized to the specific interests of each participant. In particular, students will be involved with Italian firms that are operating or are planning to operate in their countries of origin.
The goal of the Action Project is to offer participants:

  • Firsthand experience of real world business issues and solutions
  • The opportunity to initiate contacts for future business and partnerships.

Action Project alternatives:

  • Individual internship in an enterprise (in Italy or abroad)
  • Development of a business plan for a start-up
  • Consultancy offered in teams for European or foreign enterprises
  • Research study in an area covered in the MBA program
  • Career building

ALTIS is dedicated to fostering the development of its students and partnering with employers interested in the development of the student’s native country.
If you are seeking to gain a competitive edge in your existing field, our staff will work closely with you to refine your career goals and help you navigate the recruiting process. We will support you by offering expert coaching and connections.
Recognizing the rapid rate of change in the global business environment, we provide a community that allows students to explore various fields of interest and job pursuits. In virtue of your academic coursework and Action Project, ALTIS will help you enhance and market your skills to secure a promising future.

Networking opportunities are one of the substantial and most important points of strength of the MBA Global Business and Sustainability.
Starting from the lectures, students are constantly in touch with market players. A unique opportunity to

Combine theoretical knowledge and concrete experiences and case studies
“Shake hands” with the protagonists of the business world.


  • Business and Corporate Strategy
  • Business Law and International Trade
  • Business Plan
  • Corporate Finance and Financial Intermediation
  • European Union Economy
  • Financial Accounting
  • Financial Reporting
  • Global Strategies
  • International Economics
  • Market Analysis
  • Marketing
  • Operations Management
  • Organization and Human Resource Management
  • Project Financing
  • Project Management
  • Sustainability Policies in Corporate Strategy

Students will have the chance to choose their specific education among two different vertical paths:

The MBA program includes a three-month Action Project. Action Project alternatives:

  • Individual internship in an enterprise (in Italy or abroad)
  • Development of a business plan for a start-up
  • Consultancy offered in teams for European or foreign enterprises
  • Research study in an area covered in the MBA program

To facilitate the Action Project experience, business meetings and daily life, students are offered Italian language lessons that run parallel to the course.
The Italian language courses are included in the tuition fee.
In addition, Business Chinese and Business Russian language lessons will be offered to those students who already speak Italian and intend to specialize in doing business in China and East-Europe. A minimum number of participants will be required.



  • 12 mesi a partire da settembre
  • Corsi: settembre - giugno
  • Action Project (stage, progetto di consulenza o di ricerca): giugno - settembre
The MBA is structured in 4 modular terms (September - May) and an Action Project (June - September). The Courses will be held from 9:00am to 1:00pm, Monday through Friday. Some afternoons will be dedicated to foreign languages lessons, meetings with managers, entrepreneurs and opinion leaders. Costo Standard tuition fee: EUR 16,000 (Loans available) The tuition fee also includes: Welcome activities, use of the University's facilities, Italian language course (for foreigners) or business Russian/Chinese language course, visits to companies and industrial districts. Tuition does not include room and board. Borse di studio e finanziamenti LOANS  Banks in all countries offer low-interest loans for post-graduate education. EU citizens may have access to the loans granted by Banca Intesa San Paolo ( ALTIS can assist candidates in searching for funds by providing them with the documentation required for financial support applications. SCHOLARSHIPS A limited number of partial tuition fee scholarships are available. Partial contributions cover up to 30%, 50% and 80% of the tuition. ADDITIONAL SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES FOR FOREIGN STUDENTS GOVERNMENTAL SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES  Scholarships may be available through government and private programs in the student's home country. Banks in all countries offer low-interest loans for post-graduate education. It is recommended that candidates explore scholarship opportunities offered by their local Italian Cultural Institute. ADDITIONAL SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES FOR ITALIAN STUDENTS Some Italian Regions offer Scholarship opportunities for resident citizens (i.e. Regione Lombardia, Regione Molise, Regione Puglia, Regione Veneto).

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