Università della Svizzera Italiana
Città Lugano
Costo 12971 €
Durata 24 Mesi
Stage NO

The Master of Science in Applied Informatics is offered jointly by USI’s Faculty of Informatics and by the Department of Innovative Technologies of the University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland.

Il Master in informatica applicata offre agli studenti una prospettiva approfondita su argomenti avanzati di sistemi computazionali. Il Master combina lo studio di aspetti fondamentali dei sistemi con un approccio pratico, preparando i futuri professionisti a perseguire con successo una carriera di ricerca e sviluppo.
Il Master in informatica applicata permette agli studenti di approfondire le proprie conoscenze in varie direzioni: essi imparano ad analizzare, selezionare e valutare programmi con l´aiuto di una solida base teoretica, che comprende concetti di complessità computazionale e metodi formali quali algebra astratta e logica. In parallelo, gli studenti acquisiscono la capacità di comprendere, progettare, simulare e ottimizzare sistemi complessi e intelligenti, le cui competenze rilevanti includono la capacità di apprendere e di adattarsi a situazioni imprevedibili e dinamiche.
Gli studenti imparano a progettare, testare e analizzate programmi software, portandoli al livello di qualità richiesto attraverso metodologie adeguate di ingegneria del software. Aspetti fondamentali della conoscenza degli studenti comprendono la capacità di progettare e usare sistemi avanzati di gestione dati, usare sistemi operativi moderni e concetti avanzati dei moderni linguaggi di programmazione.
Durante l´ultimo anno, in parallelo alla tesi, gli studenti acquisiscono abilità in ambito aziendale e manageriale: comprendono le strutture organizzative e imparano a gestire progetti e gruppi di lavoro.
I laureati sviluppano la capacità di lavorare su problemi applicati. Nelle loro carriere future useranno la propria conoscenza in aree interdisciplinari, con capacità analitiche e tecniche affinate, e con l´abilità di sviluppare soluzioni sofisticate e di coordinare squadre di persone in attività complesse.
Il programma spazia su tre semestri (90 crediti ECTS). Tipicamente, nel primo semestre gli studenti frequentano le lezioni per acquisire le conoscenze di base. Il secondo semestre è dedicato ai corsi centrali del Master: quelli riguardanti specifici argomenti e metodologie di informatica applicata sono obbligatori. Il terzo semestre è dedicato al progetto di Master e ad acquisire conoscenze di base in economia e gestione aziendale.
Il Master è offerto dalla Facoltà di Informatica dell´Università della Svizzera italiana in collaborazione con il Dipartimento tecnologie innovative della Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana.

This Master provides students with an in-depth perspective on advanced topics of computer systems. The study track combines the study of fundamental aspects of computer systems with a hands-on approach, preparing professionals for successfully pursuing a career in management and development.
The Master of Science in Applied Informatics allows students to deepen their knowledge in many directions: students learn how to analyze, select and evaluate computer programmes with the help of a strong theoretical background, which includes notions of computational complexity and formal methods like abstract algebra and logic. In parallel they acquire abilities to understand, design, simulate and optimize intelligent and complex systems where important competences include the capability to learn and to adapt to unpredictable and dynamic situations.
Students learn how to design, test and analyze software programmes providing the required level of software quality using the appropriate software engineering methodologies. Students have the opportunity to perform their master project in collaboration with a local company.

The formal requirement for admission to the Master’s degrees in Applied Informatics is a Bachelor’s degree granted by a recognised university in the field of Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Compute Communication, Information Science or related disciplines.
Candidates with a Bachelor’s degree of a recognised University of Applied Sciences are admitted without debits when applying with a grade equal or superior to B.
The Master in Informatics is entirely taught in English. Applicants whose first degree was not taught in English, are required to at least have earned a B2 certificate according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages or an equivalent level of another proficiency certificate – e.g. TOEFL, IELTS.
Whilst it is an important requisite to be fluent in English, candidates do not need to know or learn Italian in order to successfully participate in the programmes.
As Lugano is located in the Italian-speaking part of Switzerland, students might be interested in acquiring the basics in Italian, in order to be able to get around in everyday life.
The University of Lugano offers an Italian language study programme organized in various modules. All its non Italian-speaking students, researchers and professors are invited to participate free of charge.

Sbocchi occupazionali
Students graduating from this programme develop the ability to work on applied problems and in their future careers they will use their knowledge in interdisciplinary areas with enhanced analytical and technical skills and with the ability to develop sophisticated solutions and to manage teams of people in challenging tasks.

The programme stretches over three semesters (90 ECTS credits) and is full time.
In the first semester students attend foundation courses in order to acquire basic knowledge (30 ECTS). The second semester is dedicated to specialized (30 ECTS) and elective courses, where students are free to choose 6 ECTS among those offered by the Faculty of Informatics.
The third and last semester is dedicated to the Master’s project (24 ECTS).


  • Foundation courses
  • Algorithms and Complexity
  • Advanced Programming and Design
  • Intelligent Systems
  • Software Engineering
  • Parallel and Distributed Computing


  • Specialised courses
  • Modeling, Simulation, and Optimization
  • Modeling, Simulation, Optimization Lab
  • Programming Languages
  • Software Quality
  • Software Quality Lab
  • Uncertain Reasoning and Data Mining
  • Elective courses



Durata The academic year runs from September until June. Courses are held from September until December and from February until the end of May. The academic year also includes 3 exam sessions (January, June and September). Costo Tuition fees for the Master's degrees amount to CHF 4,000 per semester. Applicants whose official residence was in Switzerland (including Liechtenstein and Campione d'Italia) at the time of the final high school exam (Maturità) pay a reduced semester fee of CHF 2,000. Tuition fees are payable at the beginning of each term, by the deadline indicated on the invoice; fee payment is an essential condition for matriculating or renewing one's enrolment. Borse di studio e finanziamenti The Foundation for the Lugano Faculties of USI will award a total of 60 one-off study grants of the amount of 4'000 CHF each. The merit based grants are given to first year students admitted to a USI Master program starting in September. USI Università della Svizzera italiana organises a contest for 5 bursaries for the first year Bachelor or Master students enrolled at the Faculty of Informatics. Other study grants are available. For more details, please, visit the following link:

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