The MES is a one-year interdisciplinary Master programme aimed at training future experts in European affairs. The ongoing integration process among European states generates an increasing need for qualified personnel able to understand the complexities of decision making processes of European Union (EU) Institutions.
The EU, moreover, is a major international global player whose understanding requires interdisciplinary knowledge and operational skills. This Master provides students holding a BA or specialised degrees in social and political sciences, economics or law, as well as related subjects such as humanities, communication studies or languages with broad yet specific proficiencies in the main subjects related with European Politics and History as well as Legal and Economic Problems. The program has its focus not only on the EU but also on the European continent as a whole and its external relations. Special emphasis is laid on issues of European-Mediterranean relations and cooperation. It also offers direct professional training since, as part of the programme, interested students can attend specialised training for the new selection processes to become an official of the European Commission in the line with guidelines of the European Personnell Selection Office (EPSO) or to define and manage EU-funded projects.
Laurea Triennale, BA or equivalent undergraduate degree
Awarded University Title: first level Master of Arts degree in European Studies
Sbocchi occupazionali
After completion of their studies in Rome, students are ready for a career within EU institutions, multinationals, public affairs consultancies, NGOs and think tanks. Students are invited to undertake a period for the internship either during their master course or right after the conclusion of the courses or while doing their final dissertation. The conditions of each internship or stage depends on the conditions set by individual institutions, organizations or companies.
LUISS will help students with the placement by exploiting its Italian and worldwide contact network. Moreover, over the years, the LUISS School of Government has established internship agreements with several leading international istitutions.
The selection of internships does not lay within the esclusive competences of LUISS but depends on the professional and academic motivations of the candidates. Being enrolled in this master should sensibly increase chances to get an internship place provided that the student has an excellent academic performance.
As to facilitate a rapid start of their carreers, the School of Government will provide students with training in CV and interview skills, as well with the organisation of seminars where it is possible to meet and directly interact with professionals from international institutions and private corporations.
The Master of Arts in European Studies consists of four compulsory Core Courses with related Seminars and 5 Elective Courses. Students can choose these among the courses listed in the table below.
Those students who have not acquired during their previous undergraduate studies the academic knowledge and skills necessary to follow the Master Courses are expected to do preparatory readings in one or more of the Master’s basic subjects, European Institutions, European Political History and/or European Macroeconomics (the readings will be communicated to enrolled students).
Participation in a Simulation Exercise about the process of EU policymaking as well as attendance of a program of Guest Academics and Guest Professionals (for 3 ECTS) throughout the Master year is compulsory.
Borse di studio e finanziamenti Nell’ambito delle iniziative Homo Sapiens Sapiens, azioni a sostegno della formazione Universitaria, l’INPS Gestione Ex INPDAP ha messo a disposizione dieci (10) borse di studio, per i figli e gli orfani dei dipendenti e dei pensionati della Pubblica Amministrazione, ammessi al Master in European Studies, purchè in possesso dei requisiti richiesti dal bando. Apart from these initiatives, MES students can support their studies throught student loans. In order to be considered for a loan or a scholarships, candidates are expected to provide full applications first by 15 April 2012 unless another earlier application deadline is indicated.