Scuola Superiore "Sant'Anna"
Città Pisa
Costo 7250 €
Durata 6 Mesi
Stage SI

The Master of Arts in Human Rights and Conflict Management is organized in collaboration with the International Research Laboratory on Conflict, Development & Global Politics of the Scuola Sant’Anna and the International Training Programme for Conflict Management (ITPCM), a post-graduate programme of the Scuola within the Masters and Training Programmes Division.

The Master of Arts in Human Rights and Conflict Management is designed to enable students from different cultures and backgrounds to attain a deep understanding of the linkages between human rights and conflict resolution theory and practice.
Through their coursework, participants in the programme will engage with the major concepts, themes, and debates within international peace and conflict studies, preparing themselves for work with NGOs, governments, aid agencies, the UN and other organizations where a deep understanding of these issues is critical.

The main educational goals of the Master of Arts in Human Rights and Conflict Management are as follows:

  • To train high-rank professionals who will work in design, management and monitoring positions within the programs and actions promoted by national, regional, international or non-governmental organisations, for the double purpose of protecting human rights and preventing, mitigating or solving conflicts.
  • To train professionals who will combine, in a dynamic, non-sequential way, critical knowledge and technical-operational skills as the key components of an extremely professional service in complex situations.
  • To train professionals who are aware of the mutual connections between the protection of human rights and conflict management, and who possess a sound juridical and methodological background and practical-operational skills in such areas.
  • To train professionals who, in the design and management of actions and in decision-making processes, will keep into account the historical, geopolitical, economic dimensions as well as the “gender” component and the complexity of the intercultural relations.

max 28: 14 for EU candidates and 14 for NON EU candidates.


Durata 24 hours/week. 440 hours of classroom lectures and 480 hours of internship (in addition to individual studying and the preparation of a final written project)

  • RESIDENTIAL PHASE IN PISA: 440 hours - 40 academic credits. January – July
  • INTERNSHIP PHASE: September – December
Stage The internship aims at supplementing the in-class training with a relevant hand-on experience. Students are required to complete at least a 3 months internship with a renowned organization working in the areas of human rights protection/promotion, conflict prevention/resolution, humanitarian assistance or development, either in the field or at Headquarters. By the end of the residential phase of the Master Program, every participant, together with the Master’s Secretarial Staff and the host Institution will agree upon the place, period and theme of the project to be carried out during the internship. This agreement is subordinated to the student's fulfilling the administrative and academic obligations outlined in the Master's Rules and Regulations. Although the Master’s Secretarial Staff will provide assistance in finding placements, an active collaboration by the students is required. The internship is meant to be a fundamental part of the professionalizing experience offered by our Master. Therefore, students will be encouraged to arrange their internship as much autonomously as possible, based on their personal interests, skills and preferences. To this effect, special career coaching sessions focusing on presentation skills will be provided. The Master has consolidated contacts with the following organizations: The Italian Permanent Mission to the UN in NY and Geneva, IOM Sudan, Lebanon, Tanzania and Kenya, COOPI, CESVI, UNRIC, WHO Collaborating Centre for Health Promotion Capacity Building in Child and Adolescent Health c/o Health Promotion Programme, A. Meyer University Children's Hospital. Below you find a document containing detailed information about the organizations, which accepted our students during the 2010 MAHRCM edition, and a list of the previous internships. Costo The tuition fee for the full Master Programme is 7250,00 Euro. It covers the following:
  • Academic and tutorial costs
  • Didactic material (mainly in electronic format)
  • Participation in seminars and field trips
  • Access to the School library
  • Access to the computer rooms
  • Lunch on lesson/exam days
Travel, accommodation and all other expenses are the responsibility of each participant.

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