Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Città Milano
Costo 10000 €
Durata 12 Mesi
Stage SI

The Master in International Relations is an innovative postgraduate program developed for graduates willing to deepen their knowledge of the field of international relations through an immediate privileged experience with a distinguished faculty and top-level professionals.

The principal aim of the Diploma is to provide students with knowledge and managerial skills indispensable for a professional career in international organizations and companies working in a constantly changing global environment.
The MIR provides a well-balanced combination of theory and practise, by focusing on international relations, economics, politics and law, as well as those emerging issues that challenge today’s global system: trade, finance, security, information and communication technology, energy, environment and global networks.
The privileged partnership with important academicians from different countries and leading professionals from multinational companies, international institutions, and non-governmental organizations will allow students to take part in team projects and individual internships. English is the language of instruction of the Master.
The Master’s Diploma (Level I) in International Relations will be granted by Università Cattolica after the achievement of 60 credits gained through the attendance to all the Master activities and the positive results in the examinations taken.
The MIR begins next January at the ASERI campus in Milan.
ASERI Masters’ courses are in response to the current job market demands: they train students in a constant face to face comparison with theoretical topics, but provoking their personalities and experiences to form a practical and highly professional point of view.
With this in mind, the Università Cattolica decided to create ASERI in 1995 as a centre of excellence in the heart of Milan. Students experience the new global reality through a unique collaboration of exclusive international faculty, meetings with senior executives, multicultural classes, flexible modular-format courses in English and international internships.
Thanks to its expertise and multi-disciplinary nature, the ASERI approach offers a strong functional understanding of international issues and processes, as well as an in-depth scientific study of methodologies, disciplines and career training.

The Master’s Course in International Relations addresses itself to young graduates throughout the world who have a marked interest in international economic and political dynamics, analyzed both through a traditional training activity and a managerial approach, and wish to learn within an international environment with other talented students regardless of age, nationality and cultural background.
To ensure the high quality of learning and interaction, the maximum number of admitted students is limited to 25.
In order to enrol into the Master’s program, participants must:

  • have completed a three-year university degree;
  • pass an entrance selection (for information, please, visit the “How to Apply” section)
  • at the discretion of the School Committee, admissions may also be extended as an auditor, for those who have matured a significant professional experience, but do not have a degree.

The MIR program is spread over 4 integrated levels aimed at fostering a multidimensional education which includes also research skills, analytical tools and professional development.

1st level – Scientific Training & Management Skills
Course attendance offers an important opportunity to meet an international faculty and deepen the theoretical analysis of the economic, political, historical, legal and institutional issues relevant to the global system. Due to the multi-disciplinary character of this area, students have the opportunity to study and evaluate specific problems from different yet connected points of view.
The program focuses on four disciplinary areas:

A – Economics

  • International Trade and Development
  • International Monetary Economics
  • International Finance
  • The Open Economy: Theory and Policy

B – International relations

  • America and Europe in the 21st Century
  • China and the World Politics in the 21st Century
  • Great Powers within the Advanced Industrial World
  • The Global Proliferation of Regional Integration
  • Rise of China and Transformation of World Politics

C – Law and Institutions

  • Public International Law
  • EU Law and Institutions
  • International Human Rights Laws
  • Comparative Regional Integration
  • International Trade: the WTO

D – Management skills

  • Power and People. How to manage it in an International Organization
  • Bargaining in a complex world: the role of negotiation in international relations
  • Eagle Racing Simulation
  • European Lobbying

2nd level – Advanced Training on Regional Issues
The MIR includes an advanced training program on the most relevant global issues that governments, international organizations, NGOs and multinational private companies are facing at the beginning of the third millennium. Professionals and experts from specific areas are involved in planning, organizing and teaching in this level:

Latin America

  • Introductory course
  • Seminars and case studies


  • Introductory course
  • Seminars and case studies

Middle East

  • Introductory course
  • Seminars and case studies


  • Introductory course
  • Seminars and case studies

Eastern Europe

  • Introductory course
  • Seminars and case studies

3rd level – Project Work
Participants join in the elaboration of a project work where the multidimensional analysis of a problem leads to the identification of its fundamental nodes. Students develop their research activity within small, well integrated groups in order to strengthen their ability to work in teams. Each group deepens a topic related to one of the 2nd level global issues areas. Project works will be supervised both by a professor and a professional from a partner institution.

4th level – Internship
The scientific research activity is completed by an internship.
Therefore students have the opportunity to put into practice what they have learnt.


Durata Gennaio - Dicembre Stage Internships are a key, compulsory component of the Master program and usually last 3 months. In those particularly popular companies and organisations where places are limited, students will be asked to sit an interview and will be recruited by the company or organization. Costo The Master's fee is € 10.000. The fee covers tuition, tutoring service, school's facilities and teaching materials. Borse di studio e finanziamenti Africa Scholarship Inpdap Scholarship: INPS (former Inpdap) makes available 5 scholarships of euro 10.000 for the Master in International Relations, as a cover of the program's fee. Click here for more information and to access the announcement.


  1. Alessandra Sodde ha detto:

    vorrei avere informazioni riguardo il master, in particolare,requisiti di ammissione, scadenza presentazione domande, inizio del corso ed eventuale possibilità di stage in aziende estere.

    1. Redazione ha detto:

      Ciao Alessandra, per questo genere di informazioni ti rimandiamo al sito dell’università, che trovi linkato al primo rigo. Grazie!

  2. Andrea ha detto:


    Avete delle opinioni di persone che hanno frequentato il master in passato? O una valutazione del corso?


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