Università degli Studi di Ferrara
Città Ferrara
Costo 2000 €
Durata 24 Mesi
Stage SI

Il Master di I livello ERASMUS MUNDUS in Quaternario e Preistoria ha l’obiettivo di formare figure professionali aventi:

  • una solida preparazione culturale nella padronanza del metodo scientifico di indagine e delle conoscenze necessarie per l’attuazione della ricerca sulla storia antica dell’Uomo a carattere sia culturale che naturalistico-preistorico;
  • un’adeguata capacità di analisi delle componenti naturali, sia biotiche che abiotiche, nella prospettiva dell’indagine del rapporto e dell’interazione uomo/ambiente nel corso del lungo processo di ominazione con particolare riferimento al Quaternario;
  • la conoscenza degli aspetti scientifici che interessano l’evoluzione dell’Uomo con particolare riguardo ai contenuti naturalistici, sia nella loro prospettiva storica che evoluzionistica, sia nel costante rapporto con le modalità di vita e le strategie di sussistenza adottate dalla nostra specie nel corso del tempo;
  • la capacità di coordinare e attuare interventi a carattere interdisciplinare sia in termini di coordinamento che di sviluppo di differenti linee di ricerca nell’ambito delle discipline che caratterizzano il Master;
  • un’adeguata conoscenza e padronanza delle tecniche di archiviazione e di analisi delle informazione riguardanti i contenuti dell’evoluzione umana e dell’ambiente naturale di vita delle comunità preistoriche, con sviluppo degli aspetti di ordine biologico e culturale;
  • un’adeguata capacità di intervento delle tecniche di recupero e di conservazione dei materiali in depositi naturali a carattere preistorico.
  • una conoscenza approfondita e interdisciplinare dello stato della ricerca, in ambito preistorico, acquisita all’interno delle più importanti istituzioni universitarie europee.

For all partner Institutions the same procedures for application and selection criteria for the admission to the Master Degree will be valid.
Students from at least 3 year university courses can be admitted. These courses have to be legally acknowledged with university degree or similar qualifications within archeology, literature, prehistory, paleontology, Quaternary’s geology, natural and environmental science, biology and geology, technology and cultural heritage preservation, education and tourism science.
Partner institutions are engaged in the acknowledgment of degrees of Third Countries’ candidates according to the rules in force.
Selections and applications, carried out at each partner institution’s with common agreed procedures, are consequently acknowledged by other participants to the Master Degree.
Students selected by partner University will be admitted to the Master Degree at the origin University and at Ferrara University, administrative center of the course.

Following, the activities expected are described; in sheet 1 the curriculafor training activities, the type, the respective credits and the forecasted number of hours for classes have been identified. For each activity it has been indicated a gap of possible credits according to each curricula’s address/course chosen by the student in accordance with the School Board.
For each curricula, a minimum of 6 ECTS are compulsory. At the end of the first semester the student will have to select a specific curricula and will have to take not less than 30 credits within the two years.
In sheet 2 the objectives and each contents are described.
On the basis of specific lessons available at each partner Institutions the student will have the possibility to select, within the offer, each own training address. It is not only about sharing knowledge among Institutions with the same aims, but it is also about transferring specific and complementary knowledge.
Partners’ representatives, have scheduled training activities as follows:

  • Prehistory
  • Paleo-anthropology
  • Procedures for research on prehistory and archeology
  • Geology and Palaeontology of Quaternary
  • Conservation and valorisation of the heritage
  • Stage
  • Thesis


Durata 2 anni Borse di studio e finanziamenti The scholarships will be awarded as follows: Category A - no. 6 scholarships awarded to masters students selected by EMMC consortia who come from a country other than an eligible applicant country and who are not residents nor have carried out their main activity (studies, work, etc.) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in one of these countries. No. 1 scholarship awarded to masters students selected by EMMC consortia who come from Western Balkans and Turkey. Category B – no. 4 scholarships awarded to any masters students selected by EMMC consortia and who do not fulfill the Category A criteria defined above.

  • * Category A scholarships can be awarded to masters students selected by EMMC consortia who come from a country other than an eligible applicant country and who are not residents nor have carried out their main activity (studies, work, etc.) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in one of these countries. ELIGIBLE APPLICANT COUNTRIES FOR Cat. A: all countries except the EU27 Member States + Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.
  • ** Category B scholarships can be awarded to any.

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