Università degli Studi di Padova
Città Venezia
Costo 430 €
Durata 12 Mesi
Stage NO

The European Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation (E.MA) – organised by the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC) – is:

  • An intensive one-year course aimed at educating 90 professionals annually in the field of human rights and democratisation
  • An action- and policy-oriented approach to learning that combines legal, political, historical, anthropological, and philosophical perspectives with skills building activities
  • An in-depth study of the following areas: Human Rights Institutions, Mechanisms and Standards; Human Rights in Context: History, Philosophy, Religion and Anthropology of Human Rights; Democratisation; Human Rights and Globalisation; Human Rights and Security
  • A week long field trip in a post-conflict country
  • Specialised supervised research for the Master’s thesis in one of the 41 participating universities
  • A Joint Degree conferred by prestigious European universities
  • The foundation for a successful career in national, international, governmental, inter- and non-governmental organizations, as well as academic institutions dealing with human rights and democratisation

E.MA is a unique learning and human experience shaped by:

  • 41 participating universities from all member states of the European Union
  • A prestigious faculty composed of leading academics, officials of international organisations (including the European Union, the United Nations and the Council of Europe) and renowned experts and practitioners of national and international NGOs
  • An international, multicultural and diverse student body with a wide range of disciplinary backgrounds, experiences and motivations
  • An Advisory Board composed of representatives of prominent organisations such as the EU, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, UNESCO, Council of Europe, OSCE, European Union Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA), Human Rights Watch, International Committee of the Red Cross, International Committee of Jurists, International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims, No Peace without Justice, Terre des Hommes

Below are 10 reasons why people choose E.MA:

  1. Interdisciplinary nature of programme compared with more traditional approach of other universities
  2. Range of high level academics, experts, officials from a variety of institutions and organisations, most of whom engage on a daily basis in human rights practice and thus are always abreast of the latest developments and debates
  3. Combination of theory and practice
  4. A week-long field trip to a post-conflict country
  5. European mobility: first Venice, historically at the centre of a multicultural approach to international relations, and then one of the many prestigious universities and human rights centres participating in the programme
  6. Possibility to do internships and fellowships in leading human rights organisations
  7. Ties with EU institutions and links with international governmental, inter-governmental and non-governmental organisations for a regional and at the same time global experience
  8. Extensive worldwide E.MAlumni Association for contacts, job opportunities, career development, projects, research
  9. Excellent value for money
  10. A unique human experience during which all those involved (students, faculty and resident staff) develop long-term bonds and networks with each other

The E.MA academic year is divided into two semesters:

  • First Semester: September to January
  • Second Semester: February to July

The thesis defence and awarding of diplomas take place in Venice in September.

E.MA is both a residential and an exchange programme:

  • First Semester in Venice, Italy
  • Second semester in one of the 41 participating universities within the members states of the European Union

After graduation E.MAlumni can be found worldwide in key international human rights organisations and academic institutions, but also in field missions or back home working for their own Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Development Aid agencies or national NGOs.

Il Master Europeo in Diritti Umani e Democratizzazione è un programma accademico intensivo della durata di un anno con l’obiettivo di formare professionisti nel campo dei diritti umani e della democratizzazione e offrire ai propri diplomati opportunità ed esperienze di lavoro. E’ un programma multidisciplinare che riflette il legame inscindibile fra diritti umani, democrazia, pace e sviluppo.

E.MA is open to EU and non-EU citizens.

The criteria used during the selection process are:

  • academic ability and background
  • experience
  • language competence
  • motivation

Academic requirements:

Applicants are required to hold a university degree of a high standard in a field relevant to human rights, including disciplines in law, social sciences and the humanities and must have a minimum of 180 ECTS (Bachelor/General Degree).

Candidatures can be considered as long as the applicant has obtained a degree corresponding to:

  • 180 ECTS credits (generally a 3-year course) or
  • 240 ECTS credits (generally a 4-year course) or
  • A combination of a degree of 180 ECTS and relevant proven additional experience or studies (such as 1-year MA or summer courses)

Applicants completing the degree entry requirements subsequently to the application deadline are requested to provide a current transcript of exams. Eventual admission into the Programme will be conditional upon receipt of documentation of the completed degree.

All selected candidates who hold a non-EU degree are required to produce upon admission a “declaration of value” of their degree. Non-EU candidates are moreover required to obtain a study visa which must cover the entire duration of the academic year. Both the study visa and the “declaration of value” are preconditions for enrolment and should be requested from the competent Italian Embassy or representation offices.

Additional studies and experience
Additional studies and practical experience in the area of human rights in inter-governmental, governmental, or non-governmental organisations are helpful.

Language competence
Certified fluency in English is an admission requirement to the programme. While not a prerequisite, the ability to understand lectures and read academic texts in French is a definite advantage for participation in the programme.

Sbocchi occupazionali
La maggioranza dei diplomati ha opportunità di lavoro con organizzazioni che lavorano sui diritti umani (sia governative che non governative, internazionali e nazionali) venendo coinvolti in missioni sul campo (osservazione elettorale, monitoraggio del rispetto dei diritti umani, progetti di cooperazione internazionale) o impiegati nelle attività svolte nei quartieri generali di tali organizzazioni. In alcuni casi i laureati sono coinvolti in attività relative ai diritti umani presso i rispettivi Ministeri Affari Esteri, o selezionati da agenzie governative nazionali per partecipare ad attività svolte dalle proprie rappresentanze presso istituzioni internazionali. Un numero più esiguo di diplomati prosegue gli studi accademici. Lo stesso E.MA facilita l’ingresso dei propri diplomati nel mercato del lavoro dei diritti umani attraverso due programmi di tirocinio/esperienze professionali che ad oggi si sono dimostrati particolarmente proficui sia per i diplomati che per le organizzazioni ospitanti: l’”E.MA internship programme” e l’”EIUC EU/UN Fellowship Programme”.

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