Alma Graduate School
Città Bologna
Costo 14800 €
Durata 12 Mesi
Stage SI

The Master in Marketing, Communication and New Media is open to graduates of all faculties interested in learning the most advanced technological solutions to support the processes of marketing and communication, designing and implementing marketing plans and communication systems aimed at different audiences, and becoming advisers of integrated communication.
It offers tools to address all activities related to market research and business communication, with special focus on web 2.0 and social networking.
Graduates of this master’s program find jobs in the communication and marketing departments of service and manufacturing enterprises, public administration companies and consulting firms, with specific focus on digital communication, web marketing and advertising. This requires a solid background in traditional marketing along with new technical and specialized skills. The Master in Marketing, Communication and New Media provides students with the necessary expertise in economics, finance, business subjects, marketing and communication, adding specific knowledge of the new digital tools.

Admission Requirements:

  • University Degree (the title must be obtained by the enrollment deadline)
  • English language proficiency

Admission to the program is subject to the positive assessment of the candidates’ academic
qualifications, individual interview and English test.
The maximum score awarded by the Admission Board is 100 points, 30 of which are allocated to the evaluation of the academic titles, 20 to the English test and the remaining 50 to the individual interview.
The minimum score of 60/100 must be achieved to pass the selection.
The selection process will be held at Alma Graduate School.
In line with the number of available places, admission to the program is granted according to the applicants’ position in the list of qualified candidates, drawn up on the basis of the total score awarded at the end of the admission process.


Stage L'integrazione con le imprese rappresenta una priorità della Scuola e un aspetto differenziante in tutti i programmi Master. Alma Graduate School è costantemente impegnata a combinare al meglio i progetti professionali degli studenti con le esigenze espresse dalle imprese. Creare employability è un'attività cui Alma dedica il massimo impegno, attraverso un'azione sistematica di career development. Nella terza parte di questo percorso la formazione part-time fornisce ai partecipanti e alle imprese coinvolte la possibilità di avviare forme di collaborazione lavorativa prima del termine del percorso, anche in continuità con l'attività di stage. Per la maggior parte degli studenti lo stage è un buon trampolino di lancio e la dimostrazione sta nei numeri. A tre mesi dalla fine del Master il 90% dei masterizzati trova occupazione. Alma ha creato un forte network e una solida collaborazione con le maggiori imprese italiane, fiori all'occhiello in diversi settori produttivi. Durata The Master is a 12-month full-time program divided into two terms, followed by an internship project.

  • First term: December - April
  • Second term: April - July
  • Internship: September - December
The program is made of 1500 hours of learning activities (400 hours of classroom instruction, 600 hours of individual study and 500 hours of internship) corresponding to 60 credits. Borse di studio e finanziamenti Recipients of the € 6,000 scholarship are exempt from paying the second installment. Recipients of the € 4,000 scholarship will pay a reduced second installment of € 2,000. Alma Graduate School offers 6 scholarships for € 6,000 each and 4 scholarships for € 4,000 each. Shcolarships are merit-based and will be awarded to the top-ranked candidates after the selection process. In addition, 5 scholarships of 10,000 euro each are available to Inpdap employees or sons, granted by Inps. Thanks to an agreement between Alma Graduate School and UniCredit, participants are also eligible to apply for a long-term (up to 12 years) and low-interest (no collateral required) honor loan. Loans will cover the full amount of the tuition fee or the portion of it that is not covered by the scholarship. In addition, all students can benefit from an additional € 2,000 loan, designed to help them cover their living expenses in Bologna during the academic year.

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