Università "Ca' Foscari" di Venezia
Città Venezia
Costo 6500 €
Durata 12 Mesi
Stage SI

I porti sono organizzazioni economiche sempre più complesse, per effetto delle sollecitazioni che derivano dalla riorganizzazione delle filiere produttive a scala globale, dalle dinamiche tecnologiche, economiche-finanziarie e organizzative che ristrutturano i sistemi di trasporto, dalla loro progressiva integrazione logistica. Ne deriva un quadro, per la policy e il management portuale, estremamente articolato, nel quale obiettivi di efficienza economica e operativa devono necessariamente intrecciarsi a valutazioni di natura sociale, strategica (stante la crescente complessità e incertezza del contesto economico e finanziario di riferimento) e territoriale – ambientale.

Rationale, motivation and scope of the Professional Master’s Programme PEM – Port Economics and Management, presented by Ca’ Foscari University with the collaboration of Venice Port Authority (VPA), rely on the dramatic changes that have affected recently port activity and industry. As a point of fact, the global restructuring of supply chains, the inexorable process of technological and organisational innovation in transport industry (in particular in the maritime sector), the increasing importance of logistic integration of transport infrastructures and nodes, and the emerging of new approaches in public-private governance of transport activities and nodes, are all factors that contribute to shape the environments in which ports operate and develop.
Ports are today fundamental nodes of increasingly integrated transport and logistic chains. This means that their development is more and more conditioned by an increasing number of factors related with the evolution of both the continental and the maritime domains. For port managers, to understand how these tendencies are reshaping transport, distribution and logistic systems are of basic importance for addressing properly problems and opportunities for future development.
The increasing complexity and uncertainty that characterise the contemporary economic and financial context are posing new demands, new challenges and new threats to port policy and management.
Environmental issues and policies are today as much factors shaping the success of seaports as are the more traditional economic forces of competition. On one hand, the (national, international and EU) regulatory framework is becoming wider and wider in scope and structure; on the other hand, new compliance-plus approaches and tools are emerging, in particular through cooperative initiatives. These elements therefore ask port managers to face new challenges in their every-day and strategic action. For them, to understand the economic and social relevance of environmental issues and policy options, and to understand how these can be translated into strategic visions as well as operational processes is of basic importance.
While governments continue to play a fundamental role in regulating port activity, important segments in the freight transport industry are moving to deregulation and privatization. This aspect poses new challenges as well as new opportunities for port managers in the search for promoting greater logistic integration.
Against this background, the Programme aims at providing participants with an international perspective on port economics and management. In particular, general objective of the International Master PEM is to provide the participants with the capability to address and solve complex management problems in port activity, with attention to the different port markets and sectors. The programme adopts a multi-perspective approach, taking into account the view both of port authorities and of private firms operating within the port.
Through the courses and the stage period participants will gain competences in transport economics and policy, port and maritime economics, port management and finance, applied management, organisation and management of intermodal networks, inland distribution systems management, and port environmental management.
The international Master in Port Economics and Management intends to provide students with an updated and a multidisciplinary perspective on contemporary port activity and industry, with respect to the most important port markets and sectors, including the passenger one, which has become recently a new driving force in the evolution of many Mediterranean ports.

In questa prospettiva e grazie anche alla collaborazione con APV (Autorità Portuale di Venezia), il Master Internazionale Port Economics and Management (PEM) si propone di fornire:

  • una prospettiva multidisciplinare per comprendere le problematiche più rilevanti che caratterizzano oggi le attività portuali, dal punto di vista territoriale, economico e gestionale, anche alla luce delle complesse sollecitazioni che derivano dalle attività del trasporto marittimo, dallo sviluppo dei sistemi intermodali e dalla crescente importanza della logistica;
  • gli approcci e gli strumenti indispensabili per un’efficiente gestione dei porti (qui intesi sia come enti/organizzazioni di governo sia come imprese terminaliste e portuali in senso lato), nel quadro del sistema di norme e principi che ne regolano l’attività e delle principali tendenze che caratterizzano i sistemi di trasporto e logistici contemporanei;
  • gli approcci e gli strumenti indispensabili per integrare il tema del management portuale a quello della protezione dell’ambiente costiero, in un’ottica di sostenibilità economica e territoriale.

Enrolment on the Master’s Programme requires one of the following pre-requisites:

  • second-cycle degree (in Italian: “Laurea Magistrale”);
  • a good knowledge of written and oral English (at least level B1/B2).

Academic degrees earned abroad and that are not already recognized by existing regulations must be of a comparable length, level and disciplinary field as the Italian degree required for admission to the Master’s Programme. This is the principle that the Faculty Board of the Master’s Programme will use to determine eligibility.
Simultaneous enrolment in the Master’s Programme and other university courses of study is not allowed. If already enrolled in another university course of study and as permitted by current regulations, the interested party may elect to suspend their course of studies for the entire duration of the Master’s Programme according to the procedures defined by the ‘first’ University of enrolment.
For purposes of admission to the Master’s Programme, the selection process will be based on qualifications (academic studies, degree mark, publications, teaching experience, initiatives for the promotion of foreign languages, participation in projects aimed at the spread and teaching of foreign languages).
Students who are about to graduate are eligible for admission as long as their degree will be awarded by 14 January 2013. In this case, enrolment in the Master’s Programme may not be completed until after the prerequisite degree has been awarded.

Sbocchi occupazionali
Il corso si propone di formare figure professionali altamente specializzate, con le competenze manageriali necessarie alla pianificazione e gestione delle attività nel settore portuale. L’obiettivo è formare un professionista nella gestione dei porti (intesi come sistemi complessi di attori pubblici e privati, enti di governo e gestione e imprese terminaliste, altre imprese portuali), in grado di analizzare e tradurre in orientamenti di management le complesse sollecitazioni economiche, tecnologiche, finanziarie e organizzative derivanti dall’evoluzione dei trasporti marittimi, terrestri e fluviali, e dei sistemi che derivano dalla loro progressiva integrazione. Attenzione è prestata anche alla gestione dei terminal passeggeri, alla luce della crescente importanza del mercato crocieristico nell’organizzazione e funzionamento dei più importanti porti del Mediterraneo.
The programme will be of particular interest and relevance to those planning to work, or already working, in:

  • port terminal and stevedoring companies, including the ones operating in the passenger segment;
  • port authorities;
  • small, medium and large size firms operating in the international transport sector, for which port activity plays an important role in the organisation of logistic chain;
  • service companies operating in the port sector;
  • services companies operating in inland nodes and logistic platforms that have relationships with seaports;
  • medium and large size manufacturing companies, with a strong orientation to overseas markets;
  • forwarding and shipping agents;
  • customs and tax houses and firms operating in port areas;
  • planning and economic development departments of port-cities;
  • universities, research centres, consultancy firms.

The Programme consists of 1 introductory module and 12 thematic modules, with a study load of 45 CFU/ECTS, and an internship period and a thesis project with a study load of 18 CFU/ECTS. The overall load is 63 CFU/ECTS, for a total of 1575 hours.
All the modules consist of class-lectures and seminar activities. Teachers are both academics and professionals, with an outstanding experience in the port business and port-related activities.
The teaching language is English.
Compulsory attendance: an attendance of 70% at the lessons is obligatory save motivated exceptions approved by the Coordinator who can indicate alternative activities.
An essential element of the PEM master programme is the internship, organised in cooperation with Venice Port Authority. Both Italian and foreign companies operating in the port sector will contribute to the internship period.
Students who attend classes, complete their apprenticeship, and pass the intermediate tests and final exam will be awarded the 2nd level Professional Master’s Degree in Port Economics and Management.
he Programme is organised as follows:

  1. January-May: lectures and seminars
  2. May-December: stage, internship, and thesis project
  3. December: thesis evaluation and defence

The curriculum is articulated as follows:

  • Introductory module: globalization, international trade and port and maritime activity
  • Principles of transport economics and policy
  • B1. Transport Economics and Policy
  • B2. Markets and Economics of Regulation in Transport Activity
  • Port and maritime economics and logistics
  • C1. Maritime Economics and Logistics
  • C2. Port Economics
  • Port planning and regulation
  • D1. Seaport Laws and Regulation
  • D2. Port Planning and Management
  • Port and port terminals management
  • E1. Applied Management
  • E2. Port Terminals Management and Operations
  • E3. Supply Chains, Intermodal Transport and Hinterland Distribution Management
  • E4. Strategic Port Development
  • E5. Traffic Management, Maritime Safety and Integrated Environmental Management
  • E6. Port Environmental Management.


Durata 1 anno Sede Ca' Foscari Challenge School, Palazzo Moro, Cannaregio 2978, Venezia.

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